Rich Collop CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®

Founder/Sr. Wealth Advisor

Rich Collop is focused on one thing – delivering peace of mind. He partners with executives, physicians, business owners and retirees who desire a lifetime of fulfillment. Rich is a Retirement Geographer. By delivering a Roadmap to Retirement, he gives his clients the financial freedom to turn their weekdays into weekends.

Laura Kriska

Director of Client Services

Laura assists Rich Collop in our St. Louis Office with his day-to-day operations. She processes investment paperwork and insurance applications, follows through with underwriting, and helps clients with questions about their accounts.

Jacob Gall

Associate Wealth Advisor

Jacob works in our St. Louis Office providing financial planning and investment support. He assists Rich in meeting with clients, developing comprehensive financial plans, and managing the Collop Capital investment models. Jacob is looking forward to serving the clients of Collop Capital and contributing to their financial success.